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    Natural Health Care Blog


November 10, 2015

What to expect from Acupuncture Treatments

Most patients find the Acupuncture treatments very relaxing which brings on a feeling of well-being.   Many fall asleep once the needles are in place.  As a sign of “Obtaining the Qi” patients may feel a sensation of heaviness, soreness, numbness, or dull ache at or near the needles or along the meridians, nerves or muscles associated with the point.  Needle insertion is usually painless.  Beneficial effects can usually be felt after the first treatment, but in some cases the effects are subtle with a slowly noticeable return to health. As National Institute of Health 1997 Consensus Statement on Acupuncture said:

“Acupuncture focuses on a holistic, energy based approach to the patient, rather than a disease oriented diagnostic and treatment model.”

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November 10, 2015

How Does Acupuncture Work?

If you never heard of Acupuncture, the first question you would ask is “How does Acupuncture work?”. According to classical doctrines of Chinese Medicine, there is an unceasing flow of “life energy” called Qi and pronounced “Chee” throughout all living things.  In humans, Qi originates in internal organs and circulates through channels called meridians, eventually returning to pool in the organs.  When the flow of Qi is regular, balanced and smooth one is healthy.  If the flow is blocked, diverted, or the balance disturbed so that Qi becomes depleted or excessive, disease develops.

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