November 10, 2015
What to expect from Acupuncture Treatments
Most patients find the Acupuncture treatments very relaxing which brings on a feeling of well-being. Many fall asleep once the needles are in place. As a sign of “Obtaining the Qi” patients may feel a sensation of heaviness, soreness, numbness, or dull ache at or near the needles or along the meridians, nerves or muscles associated with the point. Needle insertion is usually painless. Beneficial effects can usually be felt after the first treatment, but in some cases the effects are subtle with a slowly noticeable return to health. As National Institute of Health 1997 Consensus Statement on Acupuncture said:
“Acupuncture focuses on a holistic, energy based approach to the patient, rather than a disease oriented diagnostic and treatment model.”
How Long to Get Better with Acupuncture Treatments?
Whether cure is rapid or slow depends on the severity of the condition, the length of time the condition has existed, and the general state of health of the patient.
A typical course of treatment lasts five to ten sessions. Treatments may be daily or every other day at first and then space out as recovery advances.
Nutritional counseling or herbs may be prescribed in conjunction with treatment to enhance recovery.
Traditionally, in countries where Acupuncture has been practiced for centuries, people seek treatment “tune ups” to maintain optimum health yearly or more frequently.
Is Acupuncture treatment Safe?
Acupuncture is performed with disposable needles which are used only once. This assures no risk of infection for patients.
Side effects of acupuncture may include bruising at the needle insertion point. Occasionally, as part of the treatment, a small drop of blood will be squeezed from the point. As the NIH stated in 1997:
“One of the advantages of Acupuncture is that the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions. “
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